It's True! Seven "Eight" Nine!
Justin is only 21 months old, but he seems to think he has a sense of humor. Lately when he counts, he skips the number nine. If I don't comment, he will go back a bit and repeat, "8, 10, 11, teen..." over and over. He seems to like the teens, but doesn't know them. After 10 comes 11 and then either 13, 17, or just a mumble with teen after it. I don't know why this drives me crazy, but it just does. Probably because he repeats it over and over and I feel he must know it bugs me. I don't care when he is counting cars or other objects and double counts some of them, but this skipping nine gets to me. I suppose part of me is wondering if it will become a habit and he will eventually lose nine completely. I know, who cares. I can worry about that later.
He is also continuing his "Mommy poopies" commentary. Thank you extra iron pills that make Pregnant Mommy even gassier. He points out my gas and his, why not focus on someone else for a change? Give a poor puking woman a break.
I haven't ever taken a Lamaze class or anything. With Justin I figured that women have been giving birth for a long time and the baby would come out whether I had a class or not. Plus being away from Rob means I would need a coach. Maybe for this kid I could have Justin be my coach. He really likes the word PULL better than PUSH, but I am sure he would be more than happy to yell PULL MOMMY over and over while trying to lead me by the hand to play matchbox cars or something. If Rob doesn't make it for the birth of #2 maybe Justin could even cut his brother's cord. Wouldn't he feel so special and included?
#2 hasn't even been born yet and already my two boys are at odds with each other. Justin loves to push on my ever-growing belly. That ticks off Spare and he will push back. Justin doesn't like having his back support move, so he retaliates. I hate being in the middle of fighting siblings. I can't even tell them to knock it off. Right now Justin would be the only one I could send away. Spare goes where I go. Is it December yet? At least once I pop this puppy out my bladder won't be used as a punching bag anymore.