Friday, April 01, 2016

Spring Break in Egypt (Part 3)

The Egyptian Museum

I don't know what I expected at the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, but it certainly wasn't what I found. From reviews, I had expected much less. The museum is incredible. They are building a new one out in Giza by the pyramids. It will likely be a much better museum, but this museum was almost as interesting as the things within it.  I would not be at all surprised if there are undiscovered treasures within it. So many things seem randomly placed and you can see piles of things labeled only by number and crates containing who knows what. While we were there, we saw several employees moving what appeared to be a newly restored urn being wheeled right past us.  It seemed to me that some of the people are unhappy that there are many Egyptian treasures (like the Rosetta Stone) which are not located in Egypt, but in other places in the world. I'm not sure where they would put the things if they got them back. The museum is a dim, dusty, overcrowded storage area. Such an adventure!

I just selected a ton of random pics that I took to put up. Everything was amazing and as you can see, it was not crowded.

No, he is not touching it.  Yes, I was constantly worried that the boys would knock something over or otherwise break it. So many things just out and unprotected. 

Crates like these everywhere. Not sure what was in them or how they kept track.

My little sphinx.  Both boys say that the sphinx stinks.  They said it many, many times. 

This reminded me of a whack a mole. 

I really liked this scribe statue.

Walls are just lined with stacks of sarcophaguses. There are so many that it just seemed unreal to me.